Monday, May 25, 2009

Light Essence: World Extravaganza

Live your life as appreciating the connections that can be discovered through every experience.  
Every experience is an opportunity for you to grow your life happiness and manifest your dreams.  Choose to see the beauty that is within you, and all around you.  Be inspired and live with your eyes open: the universe loves to thank you in every way.

tonight, i attended a world poetry show, which was actually quite beautiful.
especially because my journey has been taking me through a wild, beautiful ride of connections.... (sunday at the beach, lovely to play with the microphone :) and enjoy the crowd, after finding 8 electrical intellect connection, 'master handle' through a 'painter's key', all of which are symbols in my life journey that are along, guiding with me in my ride of life giftful experience.
thank you

today, i went to yoga, and it was quite nice! i appreciated the energy of the space,
left feeling very refreshed. then at work i encountered a task, of which i felt agitated. i knew to let it 'blow past me', yet it fizzled around me.  i left for break, and came upon 2 dvds and a book on beauty/imagination. i enjoyed getting them :)  (* on a personal note, i am recognizing, fully becoming conscious, that I am strengthening in myself, to be 'on top' of these emotions) :) Thankyou.

and then when going to safeway to grab something for work, tru syncro lived my attention.  i left, noticing JoyL on the cards, then stepping out, ONE was on a corner of a paper on the ground, spinning around the bus said 'Edo your heart full'...coming up to the door, a sign said ' thank....for all children being able to reach their potential'...
walking to the roundhouse event, i noticed a girl from safeway,...thinkin she was with guys ahead of her, i then noticed a guys shirt saying (commerical, and jason had mentioned today that he could see me working on commercial)

I CHOOSE TO BE CONSCIOUS OF MYSELF, NOW, ABLE TO SHARE WHO I AM WITH ALL, an inspirational 'flower', living among a world of connections through awareness, the universe gifts us with each moment, and the ability to choose where we may love to DREAM OF!! :):):) 
+i love the poems heard tonite, recognizing asian heritage as coming to 'Dream, build, live opportunity' through building the railroad... woheee! :):) xxooxo LOVEMYOU

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Living in the Moment

I love how 
look into the future, envisioning who i am and what i can be
i see it oh so lovingly clear, in sensed living form
i be
who i am

the beauty of living consciously happy as JL

--corporate social responsibility, getting people involved and seeing the communities, and how people are organizing together
-sponsorships for JL rReality thpeople coming to light fulloinspiration as woE choose to be

*I love seeing my understandings through art and writing of 'who i am and Understand'
-writing poetry at the art f LightEssence =artshow at the roundhouse, may 23rd, 25th 2009

'once you get in there and start meeting people, its like 'hello',
-of my bet with jessica, reinstated during our discussion'/LOve of fame :)! ahahha... i love it, being wia, within a world I Love

personality as JL

'at least a piece of mine in there
because my style is so unique, once i create something, of good technical, ability of people helping and contributing ideas, like woohoo my works can be well received and 'noticedly appreciated',....
JL DREAMS AND ENVISIONS oscar werthy video productions from JL REALity and United Culture . Learning. Communications .    Productions of high quality footage of cultural experience, travels of life awareness and heritage experience. cultural celebrations
:):)!! I LOVE Who i am and Understand

++darling, thinking of my life and how i've come 'into my own' and loving it. being able to be myself, radiating peace and joy for all that i am experiencing, creating and taking part in through the worlds opportunities for growth and expanding one's self, ==dreaming, making conscious effort of exploring interests: leading to passions, open to see the opportunities that are all around us: being grateful of them: and for guiding yourself: planting seeds of opportunity for living Prosperously and happily through sharing our INput with the world, so the universe responds and brings you more than you could have dreamed of, in ways that your life becomes a journey of miracles
you are living your path journey in life

+++thank you, for i am here ever more each day, and finding myself better able and 'handling myself', on where i choose to go, 'capturing the moments' of living in the moment, smiling at people, and yourself for knowing who we are.  I LOVE this centerpointes of living, and make myself conscious that this is who i am, and who i choose to be

(the essence of beautiful life experience . living as . We are here. E

++++Enjoyable *, getting ready to head to the beach for a lovely day,
very nice to think of thoughts, as they lead me to see myself into the future, so that i can evermore be content here NOW, for the journey is now, and to be remembered and experienced through each moment that we are brought through.
i love seeing awareness in everything and anything i choose to recognize as part of my journey

so cheers to JL,
receiving today the center of air, balanced in mind and 'bringing forth' our purposeful existence, all connections continually being made and brought through to my life experience...the events i attend, the photos around the city in colorful ads, the messages through stores... the books i come across, *The colors I choose to see . Be. +while also 'collecting' gathering for JL's stories being shared through our stories.

I am glad i took the time to organize some photos/our story of messages/ our video/ preparing for interviews/
super exciting to now be at this phase, of ready for editing :)
beautiful love! :):)
----time for JL's intro of who i am Understand, and interviews preparing for documentary visions


Sunday, May 17, 2009

JL Journey into JL REALITY

I wish to say that the last while has been truly beautiful living,
i have been on a journey for quite some time, creating and experiencing beautiful aspects of what our life was to become,
and now here i am,
living among the manifestations of our creations, ever more increasing as syncro of experience.
thank you.

'this is no a fairy tale', as jocelyn experienced my first, appreciated pagent in the health and beauty expo of may 7th 2009, in which i met the organizer of miss bc. ---the platform to carry me forward, in contribution of JL REALITY.

This weekend i attended, for a few days :), and filmed, the childrens festival of vancouver, and my god was it amazing. woow. so wonderful to know that these events are happening, opportunities to truly inspire our young children, and teach them about everything that goes on in the world around them.  the deaf: aboriginal heritage: arts, dance, music, SOO MUCH! :):) i love to bring my children, and schools here one day.  not to mention, the location of this place!! on the water, with mountains in the background: truly beauty.

as well, today was vancouver day, in which a parade went through the park in respect for the olympic torch in vancouver, a city of such diverse and beautiful world culture and arts.
it was wonderful to speak to 'life long olympians', of which have soooo much passion for what is going on in the world!, **now** and for 'the generations to come'

it was also wonderful to chat with tony of the teepee stations, who has such passion and true awareness of the world, and aboriginal culture: it is beautiful!!! :):):):) he mentioned, learning whole aspects of living life through playing games that allow meaning to be learned, and my god did i think about olympians, and their whole being, being influenced by their experience and life striving to succeed.

the carver's work of the totem pole to be raised within the city of vancouver, is also such a beautiful inspiration that i am happy to have experienced.  'sea to sky' vancouver's olympic spirit of 2010, there are STORIES TO BE TOLD AND LEGACIES TO BE REMEMBERED. thank you dearest for all,.... ALL



cheers to our life journey, and our contributions to life as a whole.
i choose to embrace my life fully, centered, grounded, radiant as who i am in love and light.

+++I also wish to say it was lovely to learn about native language today, particularly that words of life, such as arms, lips, hair, all start with O.
expression of life, existence, wholeness.

thank you

lets party :)

into OUR JOURNEY :) thank you

alright missy miss
and all of you, thanks for listening'

I am ready for this action of a life in which I share with you WHO i am and what I Understand! :)  it is so lovely to have thus far, been on a journey of my own awakening, and passion awakening in which I have been formulating ideas and visions for what i am passionate about living, sharing, creating, inspiring... meshed within the outlets of united awareness and culture, I have created an outlet for myself, as a documentarian personality who travels and films events of interest.  THANK YOU FOR NOTICING that which I love to share with you, and that which can inspire you in whatever way possible.

I am ready for this titled platform, in which I can organize my thoughts, photos, videos, video journals of who i am and what i experience; of what i feel is beneficial for you to understand and be inspired by, all the while, 
becoming ready for the outlets i am creating, of united communications; inspirational learning

WE ARE LIVING, NOW; for ourselves, and the generations to come, for we are one.
thank you.

JL embracing JL REALity

my dearest people
i wish to say, that my life is taking form, so graciously.
although i have been a dreamer for quite some time, and it has been a wonderful journey to explore the highs and lows of my life as jocelyn lernout (a girl who loved to question why the world was the way it was, and a girl who loved to meet people, socialize, get to know them, all of which contribute to a life of appreciating who we are as cultural diverse individuals, communities, countries within this world of ours to experience)

when you dream, you are gifted beyond your 'wildest dreams'!
be inspired, get engaged in the world around you
smile and be radiant! :)